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Terms & Conditions
(they're more like guidelines, really)

How it Works
Tummies Untucked is to be an ongoing body-positivity photography campaign/series with potential to spread into a ‘blog’ format/extension. Tummies Untucked is to be a place of safety, support, and self-love, and any actions or words that defy this will be removed and dealt with accordingly. Photos are to be taken by Tummies Untucked’s official Photographer, Georgia March, and will be directed and organized with Founder and Director, Jahmiele Hicks. All participants will have pre-organised ‘shoots’ of up to 30 minutes, or may attend as part of ongoing 'Shoot Days', and will complete a small questionnaire throughout their time ‘on set’, or afterwards at home, to be sent to Tummies Untucked and used as captioning for their image, and potentially as part of future video content or full-sized article posts (with permission). Working members of Tummies Untucked may crop captions, but will not attempt to alter participant’s words or images in any way that may cause issue or dishonesty to the participant’s true words or image, and failure to comply with this will lead to exit from Tummies Untucked. Participants will have the option of being listed as ‘Anonymous’, but will otherwise be listed as their first name, gender, and age, and may not be listed as such without initial explicit permission from the participant. All participants will sign an agreement stating that they agree to have their photo taken and used however Tummies Untucked chooses, and that they are aware of Tummies Untucked’s rules, terms & conditions, and moral and professional values, and that they agree to uphold these values while involved.


Defaming or otherwise negative Behaviour

If it is found that any individual is using the images or words of Tummies Untucked or any images or words of Tummies Untucked participants in a negative, hurtful, discriminatory or otherwise insulting or defaming nature, this will be dealt with accordingly. Tummies Untucked will not use the words or images of any participants without their explicit permission. Tummies Untucked will not stand for bullying or negative behaviour in any way and will take all available and appropriate action to protect their participants and members. Failure to comply with this will also lead to exit from Tummies Untucked. 


Tummies Untucked claims rights to their photography and words, however these may be shared and promoted by any individual with correct crediting. All participants and working members of Tummies Untucked will sign agreements before beginning official involvement, to ensure that full permissions and rights are tended to and agreed upon, and that all individuals are looked after personally and professionally. We stand for positivity and ethical treatment of all individuals.

Before the Shoot
Before officially beginning involvement, each participant must sign the Tummies Untucked Terms & Conditions Participation Agreement and Release Forms before beginning. The interview section may take place either during or after the actual shoot – dependent on the participant’s preference, with the following format:


O Before questions begin, the following will be stated to the participant;

“Please answer all questions as honestly as you can. You may skip questions if you are uncomfortable with answering, or choose to be anonymous, but we really do appreciate answers of honesty – good or bad!”


O The participant will then be asked to state:

“I do solemnly swear to be honest with and about myself and others, and to love myself and others with all the care that is deserved.”

Photoshoots and Interviews

Photos will first be shot and edited by Georgia, and posted to the Tummies Untucked Instagram and possibly Facebook (TBC). Participants can also request to be emailed their photos afterwards, and may choose to be tagged in the online posts of their image. Images are not to be ‘photoshopped’ or airbrushed in any way, to present the true and accurate form of each participant. Photos will be posted in either Black and White, or Full Colour. The only slight editing to occur may be that of lighting, saturation, and the B&W/Colour aspects. We are a 'Photoshop-Free Zone'. This is to ensure our number one value - “I do solemnly swear to be honest with and about myself and others, and to love myself and others with all the care that is deserved.” – is put into practice, and that all of our images are authentic representations of the participants and all of the tummies we hope to represent.  Tummies Untucked aims to represent human diversity in all of its forms; race, age, size, gender, sexuality, health, ability, as much as possible. Because of this, we encourage all and any individuals to volunteer their tummies and participate in the act of self-love.


After the Shoot

Once each participant has completed their shoot and interview, they can review their photo and/or film and request for these to be sent to them privately for review, both edited and unedited copies, and their photo and/or film will be published publicly on Tummies Untucked after this. The participant can choose to be tagged and credited, or listed as Anonymous. All images and posts made my Tummies Untucked will be monitored to ensure that no negative comments or otherwise negative posts are made regarding the participant’s image and so on.


What I Agree To
By agreeing to participate, I agree to have my image taken as part of the Tummies Untucked campaign, and used however Tummies Untucked chooses. I agree that I am aware of Tummies Untucked’s rules, terms & conditions, and moral and professional values, and that I personally agree with and will uphold these values when claiming participation in the Tummies Untucked campaign.


I do solemnly swear to be honest with and about myself and others, and to love myself and others with all the care that is deserved.

How It Works
After The Shoot
Before the Shoot
What I Agree To
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